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Sample lesson plans: 

Feel free to use any of these plans or tweak them in any way that fits your individual classroom!

The history of the English language: 11-12th grade level. I created this lesson to show how the English language evolves and is constantly changing. This includes a warm-up about modern words such as "bae" and "selfie".

Using Harry Potter to teach the Myth: 7th-8th grade level. These are plans found on, and they use Harry Potter to teach themes and elements of the myth. I would use this as an intro to teaching things such as mythology or how to be a close reader. 

Their Eyes Were Watching God: 10 - 12th grade level. This is a powerpoint found on discussing symbols in Their Eyes Were Watching God. It's a great outline because it uses "think/pair/share" as well as many different media and content types to get all students engaged. I would not use it as a powerpoint in class. 

Here is an outline of my classroom management plan. This includes skills I use to facilitate discussion, my class rules, and my actions towards discipline. 


Here is a list of classroom management techniques and examples of what they can look like. These techniques are from Doug Lemov's book titled Teach Like a Champion 2.0.

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